Rebecca’s Priorities

  • Utilizing, enhancing, and encouraging Alaska-grown resources whether wildlife, fish, or agricultural will strengthen Alaska’s future. We must work to improve Alaska's wild food abundance, our ability to process and distribute what we produce, and work to fortify the supply-chain for foods we must import. Rebecca will continue to do what it takes to bring together State, Federal and Tribal governments to successfully restore abundance of our big game populations and fisheries that Alaskans rely on. Each works under a different set of guiding principles, and Alaskans are caught in the middle. The State of Alaska has the Constitutional responsibility to utilize, develop, and conserve our natural resources for the maximum benefit of its people. Rebecca will do what it takes to fight federal overreach and promote State active management policies. If we can build and maintain healthy and abundant fisheries and wildlife populations, we all benefit from these highly nutritious renewable resources. If we can produce food here at home from wild stocks to locally-grown meat, vegetables, and dairy sources, we will be much better positioned for the future.

  • The State of Alaska has been on an unsustainable fiscal path over the last decade. It's time to balance the budget. We have to balance our checkbooks at home and it’s time for the State to balance theirs. It is time to cap spending and increase private investment in Alaska. State spending must be prioritized to maximize our return in terms of our workforce, resource conservation, and responsible industrial development. A significant portion of our statutory PFD is being spent for services for some, at the expense of all our children and elders. It is time for accountability. We cannot continue to ignore the Permanent Fund Dividend Alaska Statute. There is a formula in place for a reason; it was a promise to Alaskans. Rebecca will fight for common sense solutions in Juneau where essential services are prioritized and excess is cut. Alaskans deserve transparency in this process, and they need to have a choice where and when their money is spent.

  • Rebecca has long been committed to ensuring Alaskans all have the rights, liberties, and freedoms that our country was founded on. These include rights to Free Speech, to Bear Arms, to practice one’s Religion, and to peacefully assemble. Amongst the most important, Rebecca will fight for parental rights. It has never been more important to support parents in their right to guide their children in personal and family values. Just as we protect our families, we must also be vigilant about protecting our property. Nearly half of Alaska and the majority of District 36 is unorganized. With this reality, we freely own our property, though our public services are limited. Rebecca will defend the right to establish local government from the ground up, though any attempts to force borough creation and annexation will be met with opposition.

  • Alaska prospers when our people work hard, watch out for their neighbors, and build strong relationships with law enforcement, military personnel and veterans. We have some incredibly committed men and women in uniform in rural Alaska that work hard every day for each and every one of us. Stopping the flow of illegal drugs into our rural communities and into our schools is essential if our kids are to have a future. Together we are stronger.

  • Alaska is a leader in energy development, yet we are being priced out of traveling to hunt, to buy groceries, to seek medical services and even to go to work by the high cost of fuel. Local fuel prices in our rural communities are through the roof. Oil, gas and coal development projects built our state, and they are still helping build a better future for all of us. As renewable energy technology and affordability improves, it too brings new opportunity to Alaska. Rebecca will fight for common sense energy, resource development, and infrastructure projects that effectively balance our needs today with those of tomorrow. Sustainable and responsible energy development projects are critical to providing affordable energy to our rural communities for years to come. It is important that we work to establish stable new energy infrastructure as well as increase transmission potential. The more we can connect Alaska’s communities, the more we maximize safety, affordability, and resilience. There will always be challenges to development, but we must work together to balance the cost, the impact, and the return. We cannot burden our children and our grandchildren with debt, nor can we destroy the natural resources they will rely on for generations to come.

  • Rebecca is a strong proponent of quality educational opportunities. Alaskan families deserve access to exceptional education by exceptional educators. Whether in public school, at home, or in a private institution, students learn best from motivated highly skilled educators. We need creative and engaging educational opportunities so that our students will choose excellence and strive to exceed national standards. Rural Alaska has some incredibly resourceful and talented young people. It is time to take a step forward in education, providing all students quality educational opportunities and career-path immersion. Our kids are the future, and it’s on all of us as parents, community members, school board members, and legislators to do everything we can to work together on this issue. Though we may not always share the same values, we all want our children to succeed. We want them to graduate with impressive skills, respect, and have the confidence to conquer anything. Our state is facing significant inflation and it’s time to get serious about the ramifications. With appropriate fiscal support, our schools can once again focus on exceptional academics, while building on our children’s natural talents and abilities. If our children are inspired to learn, together with parents and positive family and cultural guidance, they can truly accomplish anything they set their mind to. This affects all of us.

Our time is now, we need your help.